Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day Five - Part 2 (The DOUBLE)

Yes, I know. Crazy. I didn't have to do it or anything. It's not like I'm behind. But I felt quite stiff in class this morning and had so much energy after class (thank you Andy for keeping my practice honest) that I thought, after having a pretty long break eating, rehydrating, shopping with my lovely teenage girls, that I might just have a go at another.

Did the 4.30pm at Albany with Luke - Andy was practicing, as well as my lovely and supportive friend Line, and another guy was doing the same double combo as me (nice to meet you James) - and there were about eleven/twelve people in the class. The planets lined up for me in terms of a) there were less people in the room so it wasn't quite as hot as it has been and b) I was already warmed up from my earlier class and from being active in between. And it felt amazing! I just had the best class - deeper backbends, staying in some postures longer than I normally do before I fall out, feeling I had heaps of energy in the sit-ups and like I still had energy at the end of the class instead of feeling like I've been run over by a truck. Wanted to run out of the class singing because it felt so good, instead of loping out with a thank god that's over kind of relief. Felt amazing to be putting another sticker on the board, like a kid before Christmas opening those little boxes on the Advent Calendar and getting the Day 6 chocolate out early. I thoroughly recommend it. (Not the back to back double - but the double with some nice recovery time in between).

Had a lovely chat to Andy afterwards, as well as thanking Luke for an awesome class - we're so lucky to have such great and dedicated teachers at our studio. (I include Kate and Dave here too - they're all fantastic). I would never be doing this challenge without their support and love. And a big shout out to all my friends from the studio who have been commenting and supporting me through this yoga "trip" as well as saying nice things about the blog. I am so lucky to know you guys!

A couple of glasses of wine and thai takeaway later (Todd's away and the kids wanted fish and chips so I opted for the thai next door) I am feeling very mellow and sure I will sleep well tonight. And outside the fireworks are starting up! I feel like the whole world is celebrating my great class, in cartoon boom box technicolour. Bang! Zap! Kapow! Boom! Have a great night everyone!


  1. Well done T! Very inspirational :)

  2. It was a great class and once again I wish I was doing the challenge right along with everyone else but what it is doing is getting me back to my 3 -4 times a week which I really need! Awesome to see you full of energy, keep it up! ;-)
