I had to take the 5.30pm class with Andy even though I would have liked to get in to the studio in the morning and get it over with early. But I had my last meeting with my self esteem therapy group this morning (eight weeks and this was the final one so I couldn't miss it) which meant I had to do an evening class, regardless of how I was feeling. I was OK before class. The room didn't feel that hot when we first walked in and set up and did some preliminary stretching on our mats and towels before settling down into savasana and waiting for the class to begin. I was itching to start. But more and more people arrived and I would estimate we had close on 40 people in that room, which you just know is going to get hot once everyone starts sweating. And so it was.
I got through the standing series OK - no dramatic changes though I did manage to get my left leg almost kicked out in standing head to knee (haven't been able to do that for a while because of an old hamstring injury from adult trampolining that is coming back to haunt me, or has been for the past few months) before I fell out of it. Got my head to the floor in separate leg stretching first set so had to bring the feet in closer for the second which was challenging but felt good. Triangle was its usual mixed bag - I'm getting a bit lower as the hips open up but left side is still iffy. Need to work on that. Almost got both hands up in toe stand. Felt like I could have done it if the pose went on for a bit longer which was a nice feeling.
Spine strengthening series. Aaargh. I felt so weak when I hit the floor and it was difficult even getting the legs up in locust etc. By Full Locust I could feel something going on and then it happened. I just started sobbing. I was already face down in Lake Tania, almost the whole towel soaked with my own sweat, at least in the shape of my own body, so I'm not sure anyone else even noticed. But it was pretty hard getting back up into floor bow with the tears running down my cheeks and my breath hampered by the impulse to suck the tears up and try and get on with it. Luckily it was about then that Andy made a joke (thank you Andy, you are an angel!) which propelled me out of my own misery and back into the class. At least I think that's what happened. The rest of the class was a bit of a blur but I was pleased I managed to stay in both sets of camel and not completely lose it before the end of the class.
Another guy who is doing the 30 day challenge, Tony, was practicing next to me and the first word he said at the end of the class was "Faarck". I had to ask him to repeat it because I was so frigging tired I couldn't even hear. And then I agreed with him. It was so bleeding hot in there and now, even though I am having a glass of wine completely against all the instincts to rehydrate (not really, I had a litre of water first, after class), I am actually looking forward to being back in the studio to practice at 9.30 tomorrow (my lovely 13 yr old has spring netball in the evening so I can't do a late class) because it actually might be cooler in the mornings. I hope so anyway. The good news is ... by 11am tomorrow I will have three classes down and I will be one tenth of the way there! Yippee for me. (And phew).
Such a great blog! I wish I could have expressed better what I felt when I did my challenge as I tried to do a blog too but I just couldn't quite put the experience into words.
ReplyDeleteKeep it up it's greagt reading it.
And the toe stand you'll totally be doing by the end, I did and still can do it :-D
Line xx