I haven't been sleeping that well since I started this challenge - I guess it's the monkey mind messing me around over what to expect over a month of getting my arse into the studio and onto my trusty mat. Also, being in the hot room sometimes does weird things to my body temperature outside the class - for the last couple of days I have felt like I am walking around with a fever. Still chugging lots of water and had a pineapple flavoured coconut water after class which was drinkable - who knew it came in a form you could scull without almost throwing up? Awesome.
Pretty good class this morning with Andy - she was great at getting me to go further in some of the postures and she commented afterwards that she can see my practice changing which is good news. Considering how achey I felt before I went in there - all those stiff muscles in my back in particular - I was quite pleased with how I did. Had an awesome spine strengthening series, for a change (lately), and even though I fell out of quite a few of the standing poses it was mostly because I was working hard, flirting with my edge, rather than backing off, so that was good too. Still hanging in there though - didn't even budge in camel, stayed in it the whole time. This is a key indicator for me because when I am really feeling the temperature in the room usually camel and triangle are the first poses to go belly up for me. My half moon was a bit crap today but that was mostly because my back muscles seem much less flexible, at that stage of the class, and perhaps getting a bit better sleep will help in that department. (I am considering taking Valerian to up the snoring time).
Another thing Andy said to me after class was to try and focus on the class I'm doing - don't even think about the challenge or how many I have to go - so I'm going to try and give that a shot. Train the monkey mind to be still and focus, instead of going bananas...
Aboslutely chick. Try the ol' one class at a time trick and you'll surprise yourself how that actually will help relax the rest of the time between the trips to the hot room.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about you but as soon as my yoga practice is up in numbers a week, I get like a freakin furnace during the night that I wake from the heat! LOL! I also tend to wake around 4am and feel quite rested then :-)
Keep going chick, you're doing it!
Try not to worry about not being able to sleep Tania.. It's pretty normal! If you ever make it to TT you will be grateful for having the 'no sleep' experience already. Your body will become quite fine tuned, and you will sleep when you need sleep. Just trust the process :) I've known a few students who take advantage of this extra time and go do their supermarket shopping in the early hours of the morning! Kate xx