"This is not talkback." Dave
When I woke up this morning the last thing I felt like doing was yoga. I was stiff, every muscle in my back ached and my shoulders were hunched up into my neck and I could feel muscles in my butt I hadn't felt for quite some time. Of course, the thing to do when you feel like this is actually to go to a yoga class and stretch them out, but sometimes the instinct is to wait it out a bit and rest up, which I can't do, since I've promised myself 30 days in the hot room. So with all the determination I could muster I got to the studio at five past nine and there were people waiting outside because Dave was late. I started to panic he wouldn't get there and then what would I do? Shit. This yoga is messing with my head. When he got there I joked about him liking to get there to experience the entourage en masse instead of one by one checking in at the desk and he said he always wanted to open a nightclub!
Lots of people complained about the heat this morning too, so clearly it's just that the outside weather's warming up so the temps/humidity inside the room are moving on up too. Personally I found it cooler than the last two nights so that helped. I had a pretty average class in terms of I just took it easy and tried to do what I could do knowing I was busting through some barriers with the deep stretching under pressure I'd done the nights before. There were several new people in the class so other than one correction in triangle for me (I wasn't getting down low enough and didn't have my elbow at my knee like I should have) Dave was looking after them. Which was great as it kept the pressure off a bit. And it was slightly amusing because some of them were asking questions and answering back (very unusual in a Bikram class, kind of frowned apon) and at one stage Dave said, "This is not talkback you know" which made me laugh out loud. I still sweat like crazy and noticed my mat is starting to smell (it didn't get much drying time between last night's and this morning's class) so I've sprayed that with a solution of essential oils and tea tree oil and put it out to air dry today. Hopefully it will be a much friendlier mat to practice on in the morning.
A couple of the challengers were outside drinking coconut water as I was leaving. I know it's great for replacing electrolytes because it's isotonic (same consistency as blood, they use it in IV drips in some countries where young coconuts are easy to come by) but the taste/texture of it puts me off a little. I think because it has a slight metallic taste and a bit of an oily texture (not sure that's the right word, oily) that it reminds me of blood. Anyway, usually I would drink some in a smoothie with pineapple, good greek yoghurt, some ice, whizzed up with a hand blender. Today, just for a change, I went for the frozen berry version - a handful of mixed berries out of the freezer, a slosh of any kind of fruit juice (this time tropical), some ice and half a small carton of coconut water. I'm drinking like a fish at the moment so it's quite nice to be imbibing something that's a bit tastier than simply H2O. Though there's plenty of that going down at the moment as well. Cheers to day three being over! Bring on the next twenty seven...
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