Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day Twenty Four

(from A Creative Companion - How to Free Your Creative Spirit, by SARK 1991)

Dave taught this morning and the class was packed. One girl left the room fairly early to puke. Dave made jokes about whether she really needed to or not, when she'd left the room, but when she came back she assured him she did. "You'll do better now. You'll feel much lighter," he said. You have to love how Dave can still make jokes while commanding a super hot room and maintaining an amazing level of calm that radiates out to everyone.

I was very grateful to be practicing by Andy, she said she needed some energy too because she still has that awful cold that is now in her chest as well, and bringing on her asthma as well. She's still so cheerful though, she amazes me how she just gets on with it and tries to let it go. I admire them both very much. It can't have been easy coming to NZ with big ideas regarding Bikram yoga and starting up a studio. I remember Dave telling us when they opened the Albany studio last year that he was so pleased the room was full for the first class because when he taught his first class at Glenfied two people turned up - him and one lady. He gave her his 100% attention for the whole class, pushed through it, and she never came back! What a struggle that must have been in the beginning but 6 years later here they are, two studios, great energy, and building an awesome community of yogis around them. I heart them both very much.

I've been sleeping really sporadically lately - feels like I am sleeping one out of every two nights - even my husband is noticing how much time I am spending getting out of bed and doing other things because I just can't sleep. Then I drag myself to yoga in the mornings and come out of there with so much energy it's just ridiculous. *kidding* It's fantastic! But I really would like it to settle down a bit so I can sleep at night. At least 5 hours each night, consecutively, would be nice.

Standing series was good and strong most of the way through - though I couldn't get my heartrate or breathing under control in triangle. I had a mixed bag in the spine strengtheners. I am definitely getting my legs kicked up more in floor bow but I really need to work on relaxing my neck so I can look up higher. The rest of the floor series I kind of got bowled by the yoga bus, and the heat started to get to me. I finished my water bottle which is quite unlike me lately but hey, I'm not going to beat myself up about it. Some days are like that, especially when you're doing yoga every day and lots of things in your life are changing in between. Shower, coconut water, breathe, let it go. Namaste.

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