(Here's a picture of the flyer from the amazing studio where I practice - see, Bikram Yoga IS hot, in lots and lots of ways)! *wink*
I am doing this yoga so much now that I am starting to have yoga dreams. Last night I was in a competition with a couple of dudes who were super fit and they were showing me how to do sit ups. I was like, nah, that's not how you do a sit up, this is how you do a sit up (cue perfect Bikram style sit up, which I am incapable of doing that well, right now, in real life). The power in that dream sit up was amazing, like the force of the whole earth was lifting me into the sit up vertebrae by vertebrae. And they turned to each other and said, "How on earth does she do THAT?" (In her dreams...)
It reminded me of a conversation I had with a new guy at the studio the other day where he was asking me what my worst posture was, what my favourite one was, etc. My favourite is probably Savasana, for obvious reasons, though there are quite a few I like now, depending on the day. My worst posture, or rather the one I would love to do well in but have a long way to go in, is Standing Head to Knee. It took me about 14 months before I was even kicking out in that posture. I am still only sometimes kicking out on the right side and the left side is spastic when it comes to that pose (old hamstring injury from trampolining which is still healing I think)though I do try to kick out in it. On my absolute best days I can, on one side, bend my elbows down, but they never go below the calf. Anyway, when I was talking to this guy I said, "My worst posture is standing head to knee but I JUST KNOW its going to be my killer posture one day. Like maybe in about five years." He laughed, and so did I, because I so WANT to believe it!
Awesome class with Luke this morning. I am still just trying to keep my breathing under control and not get too frustrated when I fall out of postures and just try to keep my practice consistent. There was a funny moment when Luke was challenging a student not to cramp during floor bow (and she didn't!) and he said he was going to start bringing weapons to class to threaten us with. Then he did this like rifle shot into the roof (cue fake weapon) and said, quite loud, "Namaste!"
Crazy tattooed yoga surfie cowboy - yeehah! Definitely a plus when the teacher can make you laugh out loud in Bikram's torture chamber...
Threats definitely work! I still got the cramp just as I was coming out of the pose but bit down on my towel and really tried quickly to relax my leg and the cramp went away! Really didn't fancy the teacher standing on my back for the rest of the class!! LOL! But I remember reading Bikram's book and one of his gurus, had a sword with him he would hold up and swing about as Bikram was in postures! Just a light threat should he dare fall out!
ReplyDeleteLove the blogs girl, can't wait to read them every day!
L xx